
Celebrate "Talk Like a Pirate" Day on September 19th

Avast me hearties and blow me down! International Talk Like a Pirate Day is on the horizon!

By Kyrie Collins September 19, 2015
Avast, me hearties! September 19 is International Talk Like A Pirate Day, and we've got five great ideas to help you celebrate that require hardly any planning at all!

1.) Learn a few simple pirate phrases and use them often throughout the day. Here are some basic translations to get you started:
  • Ahoy Mateys/Hearties! (Hello friends!)
  • Shiver Me Timbers! (OMG!)
  • Avast Ye! (Check this out!)
  • Blimey! (OMG!)
  • Heave Ho! (Give it your best effort!)
  • Blow Me Down! (OMG!)
  • Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! (Let's go!)
  • Scallywag (mild insult)
  • Son of a Biscuit Eater (bigger insult)
  • Landlubber (a non-pirate)
2.) Dress up, even if it's just a bandanna and a giant hoop earring. Bonus points if you can find a stuffed parrot to sit on your shoulder!

3.) Make up as many "AAARRR" jokes as you can, like "How come the pirate walked to school? Because he didn't have a CAAARRR!"

4.) Dig for treats in a buried treasure. Add small gifts to a bucket of sand, beads, dirt, etc. and use pick and shovels to uncover them.

5.) Find your pirate name by answering a few questions at

For more ideas and pirate fun, visit The Original Talk Like a Pirate Day site